Cyptography Online Talks
Due to the global COVID-19 outbreak, many conferences and seminars are carried out as online events.
The goal of this website is to help find online talks which could be of interest to students and researchers in Cryptography.
All events are shown in Eastern Time (New York).
To see an event in your local time copy it to your own calendar.
[Submit a new talk] (please first check if the talk is not already on the schedule)
ical format:
TPMPC 2025 (March 3-6, 2025)
FSE 2025 (March 17-21, 2025)
RWC 2025 (March 26-28, 2025)
FC 2025 (April 14-18, 2025)
PQCrypto 2025 (April 22-24, 2025)
CTRSA 2025 (April 28-May 1, 2025)
Eurocrypt 2025 (May 4-8, 2025)
Workshop on secret sharing schemes (May 12-14, 2025)
PKC 2025 (May 12-15, 2025)
Cryptography 10 Years Later: Obfuscation, Proof Systems, and Secure Computation Boot Camp (Simons) (May 19-23, 2025)
Arcticrypt 2025 (July 6-11, 2025)
PODC 2025 (June 16-20, 2025)
STOC 2025 (June 23-27, 2025)
Simons Obfuscation Workshop (June 23-27, 2025)
Simons Proofs Workshop (July 14-18, 2025)
Simons MPC Workshop (August 4-8, 2025)
CRYPTO 2025 (August 17-21, 2025)
CHES 2025 (September 14-18, 2025)
Latincrypt 2025 (October 1-3, 2025)
Asiacrypt 2025 (December 8-12, 2025)
Crypto days
Seminar Series
Shafi Goldwasser and Vinod Vaikuntanathan: Cryptography, MIT, Spring 2018
Yehuda Lindell: Introduction to Cryptography, BIU, 2019 (in Hebrew)
Christof Paar: Introduction to Cryptography, RUB, 2010/11
Alessandro Chiesa: Foundations of Probabilistic Proofs, Berkeley, 2020
Alessandro Chiesa: Probabilistically Checkable and Interactive Proof Systems, Berkeley, 2019
Dan Boneh: Cryptography, Coursera
Jonathan Katz: Cryptography, Coursera
Ivan Damgard, Jesper Buus Nielsen and Claudio Orlandi: Distributed Systems and Security Course, Aarhus University, 2020
Vipul Goyal: Introduction to Cryptography, CMU, 2019
Ashish Choudhury: Secure Computation: Part I, IIIT Bangalore, 2021
Ashish Choudhury: Secure Computation: Part II, IIIT Bangalore, 2022
Tim Roughgarden: Foundations of Blockchains, Columbia University, 2022
Gautam Kamath: Differential Privacy, University of Waterloo, 2020
David Evans: Applied Cryptography, Udacity, 2015
Kelsey Houston-Edwards: Cryptography, Chalk Talk, 2022
Nickolai Zeldovich: Computer Systems Security, MIT, 2014
Neha Narula and Tadge Dryja: Cryptocurrency Engineering and Design, MIT, 2018
Gary Gensler: Blockchain and Money, MIT, 2018
Nitin Saxena: Computational Number Theory and Algebra, IIT Kanpur, 2022-23
Erik Demaine, Srini Devadas, and Nancy Lynch: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, MIT, 2015
Tom Leighton and Marten van Dijk: Mathematics for Computer Science, MIT, 2010
Jukka Suomela: Distributed Algorithms, Aalto University, 2020
Seif Haridi: Reliable Distributed Algorithms, EdX, 2016
Arvind Narayanan, Joseph Bonneau, Ed Felten, and Andrew Miller: Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies, Princeton, 2015
Ben Fisch and Benedikt Bunz: Introduction to Blockchain, Findora, 2020
Josh Benaloh: A General Introduction to Modern Cryptography, RSAC, 2019
Josh Benaloh: Cryptography Primer, MSR, 2014
(part 2,
part 3,
part 4,
part 5,
part 6)
Gil Kalai and Alex Lubotzkys: High Dimensional Expanders, HUJI, 2013/14
Luca Trevisan: Graph Partitioning and Expanders, Stanford, 2013
Tom Chothia: Computer Security 2012, University of Birmingham
Mike Swift: Computer Security 2019, University of Wisconsin
Lindsey Kuper: Distributed Systems, Spring 2021, UC Santa Cruz
Lindsey Kuper: Distributed Systems, Spring 2020, UC Santa Cruz
Frans Kaashoek : Distributed Systems, Spring 2020, MIT
Martin Kleppmann: Distributed Systems, Spring 2020, University of Cambridge
Chris Colohan: Distributed Systems, 2016
Richard W. Hamming: The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn, 1995
Jean Pierre Serre: How to write mathematics badly, 2007
Donald Knuth: TeX For Beginners, 1981
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Crypto 2023 affiliated events
RWC 2023
SBC 2024: The Science of Blockchain Conference
Foundations and Frontiers of Probabilistic Proofs 2023
FHE.OEG Conference 2023
Decompute 2023
SBC 2023: The Science of Blockchain Conference
(Day 1,
Day 2,
Day 3)
The 13th BIU Winter School on Cryptography: Blockchain Technologies
Simons: Minimal Complexity Assumptions for Cryptography
Simons: Meta-Complexity Boot Camp
NIST Special Topics on Privacy And Public Auditability (event 5)
a16z crypto: Summer '23 Research Seminars
Wrestling with Complexity and the Five Worlds Conundrum
Halpernfest 2023
(Judea Pearl,
Eva Tardos,
Yoram Moses,
Vincent Contizer,
Nir Friedman,
Moshe Tennenholtz,
Dov Samet,
David Halpern,
Rafael Pass,
Arnon Lotem,
Daphne Koller,
Kaushik Basu,
Adam Bjorndahl,
Cynthia Dwork,
Ron Fagin,
Moshe Vardi,
Daniel Halpern,
Ian Kash)
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
TPMPC 2020: Theory and Practice of Multi-Party Computation Workshop
TPBC 2020: Theory and Practice of Blockchains (Online Weekly Seminar Series)
TPDP 2020: Theory and Practice of Differential Privacy
NTT Research CIS Summit 2020
CES 2020: Cryptoeconomic Systems Summit
WAC 2020: Workshop on Attacks in Cryptography
PPML 2020: Privacy Preserving Machine Learning
ACAS 2020: Advanced Cryptography Applications and Standards
CFAIL 2020: Conference for Failed Approaches and Insightful Losses in Cryptology
RWC 2020
FCS20: Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security
NIST Special Topics on Privacy And Public Auditability (event 1)
TLA+ 2020
3rd ZKProof Workshop - Home Edition
DIMACS Workshop on Co-Development of Computer Science and Law
New Developments in Obfuscation (Simons)
Lattices: Algorithms, Complexity, and Cryptography Boot Camp (Simons)
Proofs, Consensus, and Decentralizing Society Reunion (Simons)
Lattices: Geometry, Algorithms and Hardness (Simons)
Quantum Cryptanalysis of Post-Quantum Cryptography (Simons)
Lattices: New Cryptographic Capabilities (Simons)
Lattices: From Theory to Practice (Simons)
Secure Multiparty Computation: Theory and Practice (IISc Bangalore)
Foundational Aspects of Blockchain Technology (ICTS Bangalore)
Cyber Resilient Supply Chain Technologies 2020
IC3 Blockchain Camp 2020
Deep Learning and Security Workshop 2020
New Developments in Obfuscation (Simons)
Proofs, Consensus, and Decentralizing Society Reunion (Simons)
Lattices Seminars (Simons)
Quantum Cryptography for Dummies (Simons)
Richard M. Karp Distinguished Lectures, Spring 2020 (Simons)
Online Workshop on Threshold Schemes for NIST-approved Symmetric Block Ciphers in a Single-Device Setting (2020)
ZKProof Expert Series: Fundamentals of Zero Knowledge
Randomness Summit 2020
5th ZK Summit
6th ZK Summit
imPACT 2020 - Technology and Public Health Perspectives on Private Automated Contact Tracing
CyberSec & AI Prague: Speaker Sessions
NorthSec 2020
FCAT Crypto Privacy Conference 2020
Postquantum Crypto Minischool
BIU Seminar
Hussien Othman and
Omri Shmueli and
Yuval Ishai
SBC 2020: The Science of Blockchain Conference
(Day 1,
Day 2,
Day 3)
Stanford VDF Day 2020
TAU Theory-Fest
TAU Theory-Fest:Cryptography
Technion Cyberday 2020 (in Hebrew)
The Third Summer School on Practice and Theory of Distributed Computing
The 8th Technion Summer School on Cyber and Computer Security
10th BIU Winter School: Information Theoretic Cryptography
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
RWC 2019
CFAIL 2019
Proofs, Consensus, and Decentralizing Society Boot Camp (Simons)
Probabilistically Checkable and Interactive Proof Systems (Simons)
Large-Scale Consensus and Blockchains (Simons)
Blockchain in Society: Applications, Economics, Law, and Ethics (Simons)
Data Privacy: Foundations and Applications Boot Camp (Simons)
Data Privacy: From Foundations to Applications (Simons)
Beyond Differential Privacy (Simons)
Recent Developments in Research on Fairness (Simons)
Wrong at the Root: Racial Bias and the Tension Between Numbers and Words in Non-Internet Data (Simons)
Theoretically Speaking Series (Simons)
Richard M. Karp Distinguished Lectures, Fall 2019 (Simons)
Blockchains, Micropayments and Zero Knowledge (Simons)
Lower Bounds in Cryptography (Bertinoro)
DIMACS/MACS Workshop on Usable, Efficient, and Formally Verified Secure Computation
The Wright Stuff: Celebrating Rebecca Wright & Her Initiatives at DIMACS
WAC 2019: Workshop on Attacks in Cryptography (Affiliated Event at Crypto)
Workshop on Advanced Cryptography Standardization (Affiliated Event at Crypto)
ICERM Encrypted Search Workshop
Deep Learning and Security Workshop 2019
2nd ZKProof Workshop
ZKProof Community Event Amsterdam'19
Consensus Day 1 (Protocol Labs)
Tau CS Colloquium 2018-2019
Crypto Innovation School (CIS)
SBC 2019: Stanford Blockchain Conference
CES 2019: Cryptoeconomic Systems Summit
Tokenomics: International Conference on Blockchain Economics, Security and Protocols
NIST Threshold Cryptography Workshop
NIST Lightweight Cryptography Workshop 2019
KU Leuven COED meeting (October 2019)
The 12th Israel CS Theory Day at The Open University
Hacking Deep Learning Workshop 2 (BIU)
Zero Knowledge Tel Aviv
and London
and Paris
The Second Summer School on Practice and Theory of Distributed Computing
9th BIU Winter School: Zero Knowledge
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Seminar talks, etc.
Sanjam Garg: Indistinguishability Obfuscation and Applications (TCS+)
Eli Ben-Sasson: Universal and Affordable Computational Integrity, or, Succinctly, from C to PCP (CITP Princeton)
Allison Bishop: Multi-party Interactive Coding (IAS)
Yael Tauman-Kalai: Obfuscating Programs Against Algebraic Attacks (IAS)
Michael Rabin: Cryptography and Preventing Collusion in Second Price (Vickery) Auctions (IAS)
Eli Ben-Sasson: Constant Rate PCPs for Circuit-SAT with Sublinear Query Complexity (IAS)
Claudia Diaz: Two tales of privacy in online social networks (UWaterloo)
Bruce Schneier: The NSA, Snowden, and Surveillance (CRCS)
Peter Schwabe: Who is Afraid of Vectors - Optimizing Cryptography Using SSE, AVX, NEON, and Co. (MSR)
Mariana Raykova: Candidate Indistinguishability Obfuscation and Functional Encryption for all circuits (MSR)
Vanishree Rao: Revisiting Lower and Upper Bounds for Selective Decommitments (MSR)
Damien Stehle: An Overview of Lattice Reduction Algorithms (MSR)
Nadia Heninger: Approximate Common Divisors via Lattices (MSR)
Sanjam Garg: Candidate Multilinear Maps (MSR)
Nancy Lynch: Distributed Computing Theory, Wireless Networks, Mobile Systems
Nadia Heninger, djb and Tanja Lange: The Year in Crypto (30C3)
Christopher Soghoian: Backdoors, Government Hacking and The Next Crypto Wars (30C3)
Roger Dingledine and Jacob Appelbaum: The Tor Network - We're living in interesting times (30C3)
Dominique Unruh: Quantum rewinding and other troubles
Sharon Goldberg: The Transition to BGP Security: Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze? (Stanford)
Sharon Goldberg: The Diffusion of Networking Technologies (CRCS)
Salil Vadhan: Privacy Tools for Sharing Research Data (CRCS)
Martin Hellman: The Wisdom of Foolishness
Silvio Micali: Proofs, Secrets, and Computation (UW)
Shafi Goldwasser: Secrets and Proofs (Weizmann) (in Hebrew)
Lance Fortnow: A personal view of the P versus NP problem (Clay Research Conference)
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
International Workshop on Mathematical Cryptology:
Tatsuaki Okamoto
(part 2)
and Phillip Rogaway
(part 2)
and Jens Groth
(part 2)
and Hovav Shacham
(part 2)
and Gene Tsudik
(part 2)
MSR Workshop on Cloud Cryptography
(John Manferdelli, Ran Canetti, Craig Gentry and
Ari Juels, Charalampos Papamanthou and
Emily Shen, Seny Kamara, Giuseppe Atteniese and
Kevin Bowers, Tom Roeder and
Tom Ristenpart, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Yevgeniy Dodis and
Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Chris Peikert, David Molnar)
MSR Workshop on Voting Technology:
Session 1 (David Molnar)
and Session 2 (Ben Adida)
and Session 4 (Josh Benaloh)
and Session 5 (Ben Adida)
and Session 6 (Josh Benaloh)
The 3rd Israel CS Theory Day at The Open University:
Uri Zwick
and Amos Beimel
and Zeev Nutov
and Gil Kalai
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Seminar talks, etc.
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Seminar talks, etc.
Workshops, Schools, Cryptodays
Seminar talks, etc.
Created by Ran Cohen. Please contact me for comments / suggestions.
I would like to thank Shachar Lovett for sharing the script used for the CS Theory Online Talks website.