Ran Cohen

Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)

Reichman University
Efi Arazi School of Computer Science
Email: cohenran@runi.ac.il

   Brief Biography  |   Publications   |   Students   |   Professional Activities   |   Videos  |   Teaching 

Brief Biography

I am a faculty member at the Efi Arazi School of Computer Science at Reichman University (formerly IDC Herzliya).
I am an associate director of the FACT research center.

Before joining Reichman University I was a principal research scientist at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University.
Prior to that, I spent two great years as a post-doctoral researcher in the Boston area, working with Shafi Goldwasser at MIT CSAIL, with abhi shelat at Northeastern University, and with Ran Canetti at Boston University, and before that a wonderful year working with Iftach Haitner at Tel Aviv University.
I completed my Ph.D. in 2016 working at the Cryptography Research Group at Bar-Ilan University, where I was very fortunate to have Yehuda Lindell as my advisor.
I received my M.Sc. from the Department of Mathematics at Bar-Ilan University under the supervision of Boris Kunyavskii working on Algebraic Geometry.

My research interests are in cryptography and its synergy with distributed computing, mainly focusing on secure multiparty computation and consensus protocols.

It is rumored that my discrete math class was the inspiration for the cover of this book.


(see dblp and Google Scholar)
As customary in cryptographic research, authors are listed in alphabetical order


Peer-reviewed publications

Ph.D. Thesis


Current: Past:

Professional Activities

Workshop organization: Program committees: Cryptography Online Talks. Due to the global COVID-19 outbreak, many conferences and seminars were carried out as online events.
Information about online talks on Cryptography (and more) can be found here.


Some of my talks have been recorded and can be found online:


At Reichman University: In other institutes: